Wednesday 5 December 2012

Batman: Arkham Asylum

This is my version of a 1/6 scale batman from Arkham Asylum. Thanks to moe production, I am able to kit-bash him the way I like. The batman is based on a great consoles/pc game. The moe production prototype version has no head articulations but the one I got has this sorted out, with the head size reduced and much longer cape.

My version                                                                   moe production

The next 1/6 custom batman created base on another great game, Arkham City has a bat suit that is slightly different is on the way to me. I hope to provide more pictures of him once I got hold of him and here is some in-production pictures of this great figure by Sovereign Studio.

For now, onto the custom work done on this figure. I wanted a more muscular built version of him so I bought a Hot Toys Captain America body which has big arms and tights to swap the body. However, when this figure arrived from Mexico (bought from ebay), I found that the bat suit is glued to his body (bummer!). Search the world wide web and find that nail remover products does wonders to separate the two parts. Still, it took much effort and care to remove it from the original body.

All suit up on the Hot Toys body...wait he is flat chested. Pop in spare Comedian (Hot Toys Watchmen) upper body rubber suit and some padding here and there and he looks better in the rest of the pictures. The next picture show a new head sculpt by Numo bought from Thailand and I had the belt replaced as well.

My first attempt to paint the head came off well but not as great as I wanted. The eyes are hard to get it right...maybe another touch up...sometime. The original rubber head is on the right. Numo head is great but a little larger though.

I have to build the neck piece from scratch as the original rubber one broke off while I was removing the the suit (it was also glued to the suit...). The neck piece will be mounted on a ball-joint neck from Hot Toys and a smaller hole below the head is crafted to fit the top ball joint for head rotations.

More pictures

The hands are replaced by Hot Toys Dark Knight ones since the original ones doesn't fit into the new body.

Here is Sovereign Studio Batman from Arkham City.

It has been a long wait, almost 2 months since I bought him from ebay on Oct 31, 2012. He came to be much taller than my usual 12 inch collections, a 14 inch figure (including the pointy ears).
He also came with an odour which seems to be from the rubber suit and I am airing him out before placing him with my other collections.
Yes, this figure is covered with a rubber suit, gloves, boots and a resin head held to the neck with a magnet. He looks great and would have been fantastic to own him however, the rubber materials appears rough with grains and visible mould lines. This means more work for me and I have to sand them down with an ultra-fine sand paper...very hard work and it does help a little. I also applied this to the head and repainted the head and his neck as well.

Using black stitching thread, I permanently folded 2 layers on each shoulder part of the cape and folded the back shoulders as well (looks kinda like bat wings). This helps the cape to rest better onto the body.

Looks like a gargoyle ready to spread its wing.

Here are more pictures of him. He is special, uniquely stands apart from the Hot Toys line of toys.

This gives you a rough idea of how tall he is as compared to moe production one.